An Easy To Use Excel Spreadsheet to Record Writers Expenses

This is a quick short post offering an Excel spreadsheet to record writers expenses. I use it to track my business expenses for the year.

It’s a very basic one, but I added a few features to help me. For example, at the far right, it compares the amount you enter to the right of the name with the one you put in the particular category. If you did it right, it tells you immediately (“equal”). If it doesn’t, it’ll show “not equal”).

On the next tab can be found where to put your year-end income and expenses such as taxes.

On the third tab is a simple roster to keep track of what festivals and appearances you want to go to and if you paid and rented a hotel room for it.

That’s it. At the end of the year, I make sure all the figures are correct (compared to the 1099s I get from the sellers), and email it to my accountant, who turns it into tax returns.

I hope you find this useful.