Links for Feb. 11, 2019: Jane Friedman on Pinterest, and Learning about Book Covers

Jane Friedman published this guest post by Christina McDonald on starting and growing an email newsletter. It has some good advice for beginners, but I’d be wary about giving away books and using Facebook to boost your posts.

What can you learn from a video discussing every Marvel movie poster? It can be a great introduction into learning how to design a dynamic book cover. Even if you’re working with a cover designer, explaining what you want will put you closer to getting a smashing cover.

Speaking of covers, BookBub has 12 Questions you should ask a book cover designer you want to hire.

See how other writers are killing it on Facebook and Pinterest. The website Social Media Just for Writers offers 14 Facebook Pages for Authors to Review as well as 20 Pinterest Accounts to Follow for Writers.

What can you learn? That Anne Lamott includes her event schedule out to May. That Mark Dawson offers videos as well as free books )on the lefthand side of the page). Nick Stephenson uses his banner to direct readers to his sign-up button. Lots of ideas to steal to improve your look.