Business Diary 9/6/2021

This is Labor Day Monday. Teresa and I have been married for 28 years. More than 10,000 days. But it’s all numbers to me. Still, it’s an accomplishment. We’ve had our ups and downs, but the ups far outweigh the downs. If I had known being married was so much fun, I would have done it a long time ago.

I have a long list of chores to do. This is where prioritizing comes into play. Following the daily workflow. Next comes “Post Promo” then “5-minute tasks” then “Write 3 hours.” If I do that, without thinking, I get stuff done. If I don’t, it’s much harder.

So this week, I have, according to my list, in no particular order:

* Input edits to Blue Ploermell.

* Post the rest of the week’s social media

* Process the “10 Little Indians” (1965) review and place on the page.

* Edit Tuesday’s “The Adventure of the Cheap Flat” and Friday’s “Endless Night” reviews

* Update the “Cornish Mystery” and “Alphabet Murders” reviews for the upcoming “Murder, She Watched” book.

* Release last month’s newsletter on the website and place this one’s newsletter in Draft status.

This is what a business looks like.